Jumat, 10 September 2010

reginald"s new diet

reginald was terribly overweight,so his doctor placed him on a strict diet,"i want you eat regulary for to days.then skip a day.and repeat this procedure for two weeks.the next time i see you.you"ll have last at least five ponds,"his doktor assured him,when reginald returned his shocked his doktor by having lost almouts twenty pounds."why,,that"s amazing,"the doctor said.greatly impressed, "you certainly must have followed my intructions," reginald nodded,:I"ll tell you what though, I tough I was going to drop dead on the third day," "why from hunger? asked his doctor, "no,from all that skipping,"

reginald mengalami obesitas yg parah,maka dokter nya menepatkan dia dalam program diet ketat,"saya ingin agar kamu makan seperti biasa selama dua hari.kemudian lompat satu hari hari puasa,ulangi prosedur ini selama satu minggu.lain kali saya menemuimu.kamu akan menghilangkan setidak nya dua pons,"dokter tersebut menyakinkan dirinya,
ketika reginald kembali lagi ,"ia mengejutkan dokternya dengan menghilangkan hampir 20 pos,(berat badan nya)" wah ,ini sangat mengagumkan,,kata sang dokter sangat terkesan,"kamu tentunya telah mengikuti intruksi saya,"
reginald ,mengangguk."walau ,begitu saya akan memberitau kamu sesuatu.saya pikir saya akan mati pada hari ke tiga,,,."
"kenapa,karena kelaparan?',tanya dokter tersebut.
"bukan,karena lompat2 itu."

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Jumat, 10 September 2010

reginald"s new diet

By abelgladies di 23.48
reginald was terribly overweight,so his doctor placed him on a strict diet,"i want you eat regulary for to days.then skip a day.and repeat this procedure for two weeks.the next time i see you.you"ll have last at least five ponds,"his doktor assured him,when reginald returned his shocked his doktor by having lost almouts twenty pounds."why,,that"s amazing,"the doctor said.greatly impressed, "you certainly must have followed my intructions," reginald nodded,:I"ll tell you what though, I tough I was going to drop dead on the third day," "why from hunger? asked his doctor, "no,from all that skipping,"

reginald mengalami obesitas yg parah,maka dokter nya menepatkan dia dalam program diet ketat,"saya ingin agar kamu makan seperti biasa selama dua hari.kemudian lompat satu hari hari puasa,ulangi prosedur ini selama satu minggu.lain kali saya menemuimu.kamu akan menghilangkan setidak nya dua pons,"dokter tersebut menyakinkan dirinya,
ketika reginald kembali lagi ,"ia mengejutkan dokternya dengan menghilangkan hampir 20 pos,(berat badan nya)" wah ,ini sangat mengagumkan,,kata sang dokter sangat terkesan,"kamu tentunya telah mengikuti intruksi saya,"
reginald ,mengangguk."walau ,begitu saya akan memberitau kamu sesuatu.saya pikir saya akan mati pada hari ke tiga,,,."
"kenapa,karena kelaparan?',tanya dokter tersebut.
"bukan,karena lompat2 itu."

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wish i was with you

wish i was with you
I'm sending this greetingI'm sending this greeting


i love everythin you say...and do,,who is love is you,,,i just want you to know you,,,i love you...and no body wil ever love you like i do,,,i dont care what people say,,,coz im gonna love you anyway,,we will now to be together forever,,,

in love kakooza

in love kakooza
at the moment love in side my soul ,,im getting wonderfull and smile,,i"m loughing wiht my friend here,,when love reach to keep my self ,,,somebody cannot stop wiht me,,,in the evening is lonely i always miss u alot,,,to try again my dream be come true,,,its must have been love ,,,but i needed u anything,,,,not anough in here just chat to averyday,,,,,but be care full you say to me,,,where love for needed honesty,,,no rich man and no rich girl...for one ferever together in love ,,,alwaysget the news and happiness the day,,,i love you dear,,,


to all my friend,,,ejoying in my blog



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